Aug 9, 2008

Fruitful Week

What a week it's been! I was finally able to make contact with my cousin John Frothingham, who was responsible for my interest in genealogy, although he didn't know it until now. It was his research, a copy of which my Aunt Gertrude gave to me about 12 years ago, that started me on this journey. A big thank you to Barney Frothingham, for making it happen. Barney also sent me a wonderful packet of information about the John Luther Frothingham line. John Luther was the brother of my great-great-grandfather Thomas Frothingham. A few days after that arrived, I got two large packets of family photos in the mail from my sister. In it were many photos of my parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins and aunts and uncles. I've been busy the last few days trying to post some of the information onto my website at I'm a bit overwhelmed with the task, but hopefully it will all be on-line soon. Meanwhile, you can see some of the new postings at Frothingham Gallery: Heritage Photos

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