Sep 29, 2011

Photo Albums Are Back!

After much frustration and a few curse words all the photo albums are back online. The link from should bring you to them, but if not, this link will work.

Heritage Gallery

They still need some details fixed. The captions all disappeared when I re-loaded the pictures, and they reverted to the original file names. I'll try to make them prettier soon. For now, they are organized in albums, mostly by family or contributor. The gravestones are in a separate album, grouped by cemetery name and can be found at this link:

Virtual Cemetery

Gagnon-Poulin Connection

I know that Aurore (Poulin) Gilman's mother was Mary Gagnon. I'm trying to make the connection to the Gagnons that I knew when I was growing up in Salisbury MA. I think possibly Mary Gagnon and Louis Gagnon, whose wife was Rosanna, may be brother and sister but the final piece is eluding me. Can anyone help?

Sep 26, 2011

Great Newsome Brewery Comment

I received a message from Matthew Hodgson at my guestbook. He and I have been corresponding for several years. I recently had a chance to try some of their Frothingham Best beer while in London.  He's wondering if the Frothingham Family in the United States would have enough interest in their beer to start sending some here. I think we should all support him!

Here is his message:

See our link about Frothingham success and the Yorkshire Taste awards here in the UK. If we get lots of interest from the Frothingham family may be one day we will be able in distribute this wonderful beer in the U.S.
See our site
Let us know what you think via our Facebook and Twitter Page

Sep 21, 2011

New Update but the Galleries are not working (yet!)

I just released an updated version of to more accurately portray my focus on my children's heritage instead of the Frothingham family alone. The Frothingham name is still the major player on the site, but I've added a huge amount of Richard, Welch, Poulin, Gilman, and Patenaude lines as well.

As with any change there have been some glitches. I think I have fixed a few of the bugs already, but for the next few days, the galleries are not working. I should be able to get the photos back on-line as soon as I get a block of free time. There are some wonderful photos of the family of Ephrem Gilman that haven't been on the site before. They were sent by Albert Gilman who also contributed a large amount of pedigree information.  I hope to get everything fixed within the next week. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this picture of Ephrem Gilman as a young man. Thank you for being patient. Please check back soon.

Sep 15, 2011

Slow going with the Windows 7 but I'm getting there.

I managed to get comfortable with my new version of Family Tree Maker. Today, I decided to convert my information to a Ged-com file and post it on my website. Surprise!! Windows 7 doesn't recognize my website settings. Arggh!  So the update to the website will need to wait a while longer until I get the navigation links established. I have a lot of new information on the Gilman ancestors and some new Gilman family photos to post. Hope to get everything online soon. Thanks for your patience.

Aug 8, 2011

New computer and old Family Tree Maker don't mix

I've been very happy with my Family Tree Maker 2006. I've been using it, and previous versions of Family Tree Maker for over 10 years and they have all worked well for me. Recently, I decided to buy a new computer to replace my older, slow desktop. The new one came with Windows 7. Unfortunately, Family Tree Maker 2006 is NOT compatible with Windows 7, so for several weeks, I've been without access to my research. Of course, that is when several new contacts posted to my website with questions. Today my new Family Tree Maker 2011 arrived. I just installed it, and there goes my comfort zone! It's an entirely new interface. I'm not saying it's better or worse, but I'll need some time to get used to it. So to those people who have recently posted questions, my apologies. I will get back to you as soon as I figure out this new software. Meanwhile, feel free to stop by and give it a look-see. There is a lot of information posted, and I WILL get back to you soon.

Apr 28, 2011

Frothingham Best

About 3 years ago, I received this entry in my website guest book from Matt at Great Newsome Brewery.

"We are a small brewery based on a farm in East Yorkshire, England in the village of South Frodingham, which I believe is possibly the original home of the Frothingham family name. I know this because we released a new ale in January called Frothingham Best named after the forefathers of our village/hamlet. Details of the beer and why we used the name can be seen on our website It is only available in casks, for supply to local pubs etc but we hope to bottle it in the near future.
Great Newsome is the name of our farm in South Frodingham and our neighbours live at Frodingham Hall once the home of the Frothingham family."

At that time, we were planning a trip to France and Italy, so I wrote back and asked if the ale would be available in Paris. Unfortunately, it was not! Recently, I heard from him again. Frothingham Best is available in bottles now and is sold in London. Yep! We are going on a road trip, or rather a very long plane trip! I won't be able to bring any home on the plane, but I will be able to keep the bottle as a souvenir.